Creativity…it works!
I love this time of year at the art school!
This is the time when students in the studio art classes get to figure out what they want to learn and master. Over 20 years ago, I started the art school with the option that students could always do what they wanted.
It was a risk then, a totally new model for art instruction. It meant that I had to set up a complete art studio with “help yourself” materials so students could follow their creativity.
At Holiday time, I get to catch up with many of those former students and it is such a delight. They are bright… and interesting… and most are still making art!
There is no “blank canvas” crisis for these creatives..they never had to give up their voice in order to learn skills and then try to find a voice again years later. Their creativity is still a natural part of who they are. This time of year reminds me to appreciate the creative impulse of every student I see….which makes it even more fun to be around the art school!
Thanks for checking in with me over the Holidays everyone!