Creativity Encouraged!
Fly on the Wall Art School is an art space for youth ages 6-18. Our mission to teach classic art skills in a way that protects and develops the creative voice and style of each student.
After School Classes on Hold!
Due to our move we are suspending After School Classes for now.
Wilkinson School will be our new Summer Camp home!
We are very excited to to be offering the same programs in a new space.
Check the Summer Art Camp Page for details.
Winter 2022 UPDATE
We highly encourage our families to continue to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing and following quarantine guidelines for San Mateo County if a potential COVID-19 exposure occurs.
We take temperatures, wear masks, and wipe down all materials. We have good ventilation and a HEPA rated air filter. COVID seems to be a built-in course in creative adaptability. Please check in here on our website to keep up with any changes.
Call us at 650-713-0751 if you have any questions.
A New Chapter

We, Franklin Hagarty and Ethan Hofmayer, are excited to carry the torch passed on to us. As former Fly students, we were positively influenced by the artistic community so beautifully fostered by Susan Carkeek. Now, with ten years each of educating and mentoring youth on the coast, and as artists ourselves, we look forward to carrying on the tradition of helping young creatives find their artistic voice. We will be offering new classes and camps and workshops so stay tuned for updates.
Summer Camp schedule is updated! Check out the new sessions for 2023!

Summer Art Camp